A to Z Management Consulting has designed several packages
to meet your specific management needs. To get you started, we offer a free, 30-minute telephone consultation. During your consultation, we will discuss your needs, describe the available options, and examine the best approach for achieving your desired targets.
At A to Z we believe in a long-term partnership with our clients. Our commitment won’t stop. If you decide to use our services, you will continue to receive our support and technical assistance even after completion of your project.
Full-Service Consulting
Starting from scratch when your organization is seeking change can be overwhelming. You may not have enough resources to devote to your project, or you may simply need assistance. Whether you need to obtain certification for management standards, upgrade your processes, reduce waste, become more cost-efficient, or provide your customers with a better product or service, then A to Z Management Consulting can help you find the right answer. We can provide you with resources and expertise throughout all stages of the project, including planning, design, training, implementation, auditing, and maintenance.
Our consultants will come to your location and assess your current system. Based on the gap between where you are now and your desired objective, we will propose a detailed plan that takes into account your budget and timeline. Our experienced industry consultants will work with your team in developing and implementing new procedures. We will attend your management meetings and coach you in leading your meetings professionally and effectively. We will conduct your internal audits, develop work instructions, train your employees, and support you during your registration audit. In short, we will make sure that your organization is ready to achieve your desired targets or obtain the certification you need.
Collaborative Consulting
The collaborative consulting model from A to Z Management Consulting succeeds for those organizations that have the staff and are ready to get to work but need a partner, whether the goal is to obtain a management certification or just to make the organization more lean. Collaboration means you spend less money on consulting services but gain an expedited process, letting you get back to your core business sooner. Based on your situation, we will develop a unique plan that can comprise on-site training, coaching and guidance on the best practices of your industry, and material and other support to help with implementation.
Collaborative consulting can take a variety of forms, depending on your needs and budget. A to Z Management Consulting can conduct training at your location, or we can provide remote, paper, or electronic training. We can meet with leadership and middle management and guide them through the project so that they have the hands-on ability to implement processes company-wide. Help us help you by sharing in the workload as we work together to achieve your certification or other corporate goals.
Virtual Consulting
Virtual consulting from A to Z Management Consulting is the right fit for companies that have in-house human resources and do not want to spend as much on outside consultants. If you fall into this category, you may still need guidance from an expert to ensure you are on the right track and are adopting the most up-to-date practices in your industry. With virtual consulting, our consultants are available for you via email, phone, or video calls to answer your questions, help you with effective planning, provide you with resources,
and review your documents and procedures to give you feedback. We will also evaluate the minutes of your management review meetings, examine your internal audit records for accuracy and correctness, and assist you in selecting a registrar.
Simplifying Your Existing System
Perhaps you established your management system years ago and now you feel it doesn’t work as well for you. Is it cumbersome or a paperwork nightmare? Does it take away more value than it’s adding? A to Z Management Consulting is familiar with your management system headaches and can help ease the pain. Simplify your system by eliminating the extra and unnecessary paperwork and ensure that new modifications take your company in the right direction—toward greater effectiveness and efficiency of your processes. Our expertise lies in designing and implementing simplified systems that are suitable for today’s business practices. Start over with a fresh solution:
Let A to Z Management Consulting help you shrink paperwork, add value to your business, save time, reduce errors, improve customer satisfaction, work faster, and engage and motivate your employees, who have been laboring in an outdated system. If your company is currently certified with a management system, but you feel it is too complicated, too costly, and does not integrate effectively with your current practices, then this package is for you.
Supporting You with Ongoing Maintenance of Your System
Does your company have a management system that you don’t have the resources to maintain? Do you want to improve your system and take it to a higher level? Do you need an expert to conduct your internal audits? Perhaps you need a consultant to attend your management review meetings, help keep your meetings on the right track, and ensure that all the important and necessary components of your system are
covered during the meetings. A to Z Management Consulting can conduct an annual review of your system and make sure that you are ready for your audit, or we can help on an ongoing, as-needed basis.
If you have limited in-house resources, you may find yourself struggling with the responsibilities of keeping up your management system. Our ongoing support programs add an expert to your team, assisting you in staying on track, especially at the last minute when you need to deliver results. Get hands-on support in dealing with nonconformities, getting ready for audits, and making your organization run more smoothly throughout the year with ongoing maintenance from A to Z Management Consulting.